Identification of transcription factors involved in the specification of photoreceptor subtypes
Angueyra J, Kunze VP, Patak LK, Kim H, Kindt KS, Li W. biorXiv. 2021.11.26.470161
Predicting and Manipulating Cone Responses to Naturalistic Inputs
Angueyra JM, Baudin J, Schwartz GW, Rieke FM. J. Neurosci. 2021 10.1523
S-cone photoreceptors in the primate retina are functionally distinct from L and M cones
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The tarantula toxin GxTx detains K+ channel gating charges in their resting conformation
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Retinoid isomerase inhibitors impair but do not block mammalian cone photoreceptor function
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Photoreceptor Outer Segment-like Structures in Long-Term 3D Retinas from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
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Chromatic detection from cone photoreceptors to V1 neurons to behavior in rhesus monkeys
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Origin and effect of phototransduction noise in primate cone photoreceptors
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Melanopsin-Expressing Amphioxus Photoreceptors Transduce Light via a Phospholipase-C Signaling Cascade
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The light-sensitive conductance of melanopsin-expressing Joseph and Hesse cells in amphioxus
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Localization of the PIP2 Sensor of TRPV1 Ion Channels
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Light-transduction in melanopsin-expressing photoreceptors of Amphioxus
Gomez Mdel P, Angueyra JM, Nasi E. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Jun 2;106(22):9081-6
Leveraging Zebrafish to Study Retinal Degenerations
Angueyra JM, Kindt KS. Leveraging Zebrafish to Study Retinal Degenerations. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2018 Sep 19;6:110